Controversy with models in the real estate industry. Real Estate Menu Systems

Real estate, buying and selling, the means to find a buyer or seller has been around for ions….. in the US, the National Association of Realtors started over 150 years ago.. in Baltimore, Md. Traditional full service has been around it seems forever. Now with the Internet models are popping up everywhere including sellers and buyers completely bypassing real estate agents/brokers., What are the pro’s and cons? We believe Real Estate Menu Systems are the answer, giving sellers and buyers the right to choose, and customize without being alone, yet not just signing up for the cheapest, get what you pay  for deal in town. Seem possible….??? Join us… Real estate, buying and selling, the means to find a buyer or seller has been around for ions….. in the US, the National Association of Realtors started over 150 years ago.. in Baltimore, Md. Traditional full service has been around it seems forever. Now with the Internet models are popping up everywhere including sellers and buyers completely bypassing real estate agents/brokers., What are the pro’s and cons? We believe Real Estate Menu Systems are the answer, giving sellers and buyers the right to choose, and customize without being alone, yet not just signing up for the cheapest, get what you pay  for deal in town. Seem possible….??? Join us…

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